Satisfaction des clients 1. Which language did you use in your interactions with Infojustice Manitoba?* a. English b. French c. English and French d. Other 2. What was your level of understanding before receiving the legal information provided by Infojustice Manitoba?* a. No understanding b. Very little understanding c. Some understanding d. High level of understanding e. Very high level of understanding 3. Having accessed legal information and/or legal services in the official language of your choice, how much would you say your level of understanding has increased?* a. No increase b. Small increase c. Big increase d. Very big increase 4. With respect to your own needs, to which point would you say the information received was relevant and up to date?* a. The information received was not relevant and up to date. b. The information received was relevant and up to date. c. The information received was fairly relevant and up to date d. The information received was very relevant and up to date. 5. With respect to the information received, to what degree would you say the information was useful to your needs?* a. The information received was not useful with respect to my needs. b. The information received was somewhat useful with respect to my needs. c. The information received was mostly sufficient with respect to my needs. d. The information received satisfied almost all my needs. e. The information received satisfied all my needs.